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If you feel motivated to take action, a petition is a great way to try and make a difference. We have collected a list of several online petitions covering issues from false artist claims, copyright law, and artist originality.

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Petitions Powered By:

Protect Human Art & Artists from Artificial Intelligence

Petition started by:

Shawn Buttler

Mission Statement:
AI is advancing rapidly, offering great opportunities but also threatening human art and artists. Free AI-generated content is already impacting industries like audiobooks and images. We need legal changes to ensure AI-created art can't be copyrighted and must be labeled as such. Penalties should deter passing off AI art as human. Let's work nationally and internationally to protect human creativity. Sign the petition, contact lawmakers, and support local artists. Together, we can safeguard the future of art.

Composer vs A​.​I. Predator

Petition started by:

Diogo Vasconcellos

Mission Statement:

Consider granting music copyright exclusively to humans to protect the livelihoods of composers and musicians. Despite AI's convenience, we must preserve the distinction between human and machine creativity through copyright law. Let's uphold copyright to safeguard human ingenuity in the face of technological advancement.

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AI In Arts and Entertainment Needs Regulation -- IMMEDIATELY!!!!

Petition started by:

Jessi Toms

Mission Statement:

Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is stealing artwork, music, and writings without accountability, even featuring people in commercials they didn't create. It's imperative to recognize AI's permanence and work with it, but it's currently exploiting industries without regulation or compensation for creators. We must act now, collectively and through government, to implement protections, regulations, and barriers before it's too late to safeguard our arts, culture, and entertainment sectors.